Bringing Home the Mirror Ball Trophy!

In case you haven’t heard, our Vanda is an absolute LEGEND! She and Jan captured three perfect scores on Sunday to complete their run of success on Let’s Dance and win the Mirror Ball Trophy. Going in to the final show they were the heavy favorites showing a blend of ease, facility, and artistry from their very first Cha Cha routine in March. That said their closest competitors and the second place couple, Adam and Dominika showed incredible improvement throughout the show and took daring chances with their choreography to create some great work of their own. So although Vanda’s fans were pretty certain of the outcome she and Jan were definitely feeling the pressure to rise to the occasion.

The first two dances of the night were reprises from past routines. Tango was first and although they both have great energy the ballroom dances were always more of a challenge for them because of their height difference. They nailed it in typical Jan and Vanda fashion and once that was done Jan said, “I could finally breathe.” Cha Cha was their second dance of the evening and you could immediately tell that they were feeling their strength. They hit their accents with the kind of impulse that you can only give when you’re breathing into the movement, letting your weight settle, and waiting for the moment.

For their final dance Jan actually took the mic and sang the opening verse but continuing on with a segue using skills from a variety of dances. It was the culmination of months of hard work and when the music stopped you could see the emotion still pouring out of them.

We’re immensely proud of our STAR and her star. It was a great sacrifice of time and energy on her part to carve out the time for the show and to make such a splash with one of her home country’s biggest stars. We’re looking forward to welcoming her back at our next party on May 24th and giving her the homecoming a true champion deserves.

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